At Ascot’s Early Years, learning and playing goes hand in hand. Early Years teachers are committed to providing students with hands-on and experiential learning opportunities. With a strong emphasis on learning through play and exploration, we encourage our students to have ownership over their learning opportunities. 

We support our students in developing a growth mindset and resilience and independence. Each class is provided with a teaching assistant and a class nanny. Our youngest Early Years classes start with a 1:5 teacher-to-student ratio. This low student to teacher ratio ensures that students are provided with direct support where and when needed. Our dedicated and qualified teaching team ensures that our vision, mission, values and the essential elements of the Primary Years Program (PYP) underpin all aspects of Early Years.

The Early Years building provides students with big, open, beautiful learning areas. The Early Years playground received significant attention as the school hired a specialised environment architect to design the playground to become an additional learning area for the children. Students have the opportunity to:

– climb, swing, slide and move

– ride bikes, tricycles, and scooters

– dig in the garden, plant vegetables and flowers, and learn about nature

– play in the sandpit, dig in the mud pit, and create imaginary games

– play in the outdoor kitchen and/or paint and draw, swim and play in the EY swimming pool.

Our outdoor learning space has a permanent outside classroom area so teachers are able to take lessons outside and students can enjoy the glorious environment that Ascot and Thailand have to offer.

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Parent Partnership

At Ascot we firmly believe that strong partnerships between home and school are crucial in your child’s well-being and development. We encourage an open door policy whereby parents can come and talk to us about any issue regarding their child’s welfare and learning.

Throughout the academic year parents will be invited to presentations and workshops. These are designed to keep parents informed and to support parents with home learning. We also invite parents to celebration days and activity days. We very much want parents to be part of our community, and to have more than just a snap-shot of what their children do at school.

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Toddler Playgroup

For young children who haven’t reached school age yet, Ascot offers a twice-a-week toddler playgroup. Our playgroup allows children to develop social skills at their own pace, build emotional confidence, learn through play, and more. Families with children from 10-36 months old are more than welcome to join us, FREE of charge. For more information about our playgroup, please contact frontoffice@oki.duw.mybluehost.me or call 02 373 4400.

Accredited by

A top IB World School in Bangkok

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Communicate. Collaborate. Respect.