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No One Left Behind: Why Ascot International School Places Inclusion First

Diversity, inclusion and equality are the common buzzwords of today. Read any press release from the last decade and you will see these terms throughout, it is an important conversation which has left many questioning whether we are doing enough to uplift everyone together. 

Unfortunately, many organisations when it comes to practicing inclusion are more bark than bite, their activities don’t hold up to the outcomes they are seeking to achieve. For Ascot International School however, when we discuss inclusion and diversity, we are doing more than just lip service. Instead, these are guiding principles which we infuse into all our educational activities, and it is key to why we are one of the best Thai international schools.

History of Ascot’s Diverse Identity

Truthfully, prioritising diversity and inclusion is simple for Ascot International School, it is a part of our DNA. Ascot was established in 1995 to address the lack of Thai international schools for children in the Saphan Sung area. From the beginning we have sought to bring quality education outcomes to everyone, and after starting with just early years education provision, our school rapidly expanded to include students of all ages. 

After receiving authorisation to be an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, we realised once again we needed to press forward into the unknown and create state of the art facilities for Ascot students. To provide the opportunities we wanted, we needed to diversify our offerings, which today encompass sports, information technology, science, art and design. At Ascot, students of all backgrounds are encouraged to explore their deepest passions and interests, through a programme encouraging collaboration and curiosity.

Of course, education is an opportunity all children should have access too. Far too often, schools while touting inclusion are discriminatory against children from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in our society. While it is difficult to level the playing field for all the kids we teach, we embrace this challenge and excel in the development of children of all abilities. Ascot International School celebrates their achievements while encouraging students to collaborate with all their peers.

Some Obstacles to Overcome for Diversity in education

The primary obstacle we encounter are language barriers due to the nature of being an international school. To remedy this, at all levels we provide an English as an Additional Language program (EAL). We have recognised children of different ages require unique support and tailored tutelage. For instance, Early Years students have an increased capacity for developing languages rapidly, so English is incorporated in a less intrusive manner, and instead incorporated into everyday teaching and activities. 


Secondary year students however require more attention to ensure they develop their English capabilities. Students at this level are assigned extra teachers and additional lessons in the critical areas, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. At the end of this phase, students take an external Cambridge English examination and awarded a formal certificate recognising their achievements.

Ascot International School have also identified the need for increased support for students with learning difficulties or gifts. Ascot believes all students irrespective of their nature and/or severity of their learning difficulties can fulfil their individual potential. In fact, Ascot views this as a non-negotiable outcome, for the future requires all individuals to contribute to the healthy development of society.

Important Lessons and Action

Ascot has identified forming bonds between students as crucial in preventing students with learning differences from becoming isolated. In addition to this peer-to-peer support, Ascot teachers and staff members formulate differentiated learning opportunities, materials, and environments to suit the needs of a student or their broader interests. 


Prior to students arriving for their first day at Ascot, teachers collaborate to anticipate the unique needs of these students to ensure their success at the school. Throughout their schooling, teachers continue to identify and remove barriers preventing students from reaching their full potential, which drives longtime engagements with Ascot’s culture, mission and values.

Are you worried about whether Ascot International School is the right fit for your child? Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss what services we can offer. Every day we strive to be the best Thai international school by prioritising the emotional, intellectual and physical wellbeing of our students. For us, this starts with effectively practicing inclusion and managing diversity.

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At Ascot International School, safeguarding the safety and wellbeing of every child is our unwavering commitment. 

An IB World School, accredited by CIS.